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    Sodium metabisulfite

    Quality standard: HG/T2826-2008


    National standard

    Enterprise current value

    Superior grade

    Top grade

    Main content (as Na2S2O5),%




    Iron content (as Fe),%




    Water insolubles content,%




    Arsenic (as As) content, %




    Molecular formula: Na2S2O5
    Molecular weight: 190.10
    Appearance: white crystal powder
    Net weight: 25, 50, 1000 kg/bag or according to customer requirements.


    To use
    Used for the production of insurance powder, sulfadimethylpyrimidine, caprolactam, etc., as well as chloroform, phenylsulfoxide and benzaldehyde purification; an ingredient used in the photographic industry as a fixing agent; for the production of vanillin in the spice industry; used as preservative in brewing industry, rubber coagulant and cotton cloth bleaching dechlorination agent; organic intermediates, dyes, tanning used as reducing agents used in electroplating industry, oilfield wastewater treatment and as mineral processing agent in mines, etc.

    In industry
    Used for printing and dyeing, organic synthesis, printing, leather, pharmaceutical and other departments; Used as preservative, bleach and loose agent in food processing.

    Used as chemical reagent
    (printing and dyeing and photography, etc.), used as bleaching agent, mordant, reducing agent, rubber coagulant, also used in organic synthesis pharmaceutical and spices, etc

    Business license

    Company Add: Shijiazhuang New and High-tech Industrial Zone, Hebei province
    P.C.: 050000  Contact: Director Ren +86-13832390234
    Manager Ren +86-13603311335/15027769680   Fax: +86-311-86581118
    E-mail: 250768848@qq.com   Website: www.ziboxingya.com

    Copyright(C)2021,Shijiazhuang Weifeng Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Supported by ChemNet ChinaChemNet Toocle 31fabu Copyright Notice

    weifeng technology
    Business license
    weifeng technology

    Company Add: Shijiazhuang New and High-tech Industrial Zone, Hebei province
    P.C.: 050000  Contact: Director Ren +86-13832390234
    Manager Ren +86-13603311335/15027769680   Fax: +86-311-86581118
    E-mail: 250768848@qq.com   Website: www.ziboxingya.com

    Copyright(C)2021,Shijiazhuang Weifeng Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Supported by ChemNet ChinaChemNet Toocle 31fabu Copyright Notice

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